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5 Minute Salute with Errol Doebler of Ice Cold Leader

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On 5 Minute Salute, our host Chris Budihas talks to veterans making a difference in their communities. Today, Chris has the honor to speak with Errol Doebler of Ice Cold Leader.

Short company description: Ice Cold Leader provides leaders of all levels and individual contributors a tried and true problem solving process that should be used to attack any challenge, big or small, every time.

How do you define success?:
We deliver our process, The Ice Cold Leader Methodology, various ways: In person events..1-3 days, 8-week virtual course, and key notes.

Success is typically measured with financial results as a result of more effective leadership. It is also measured with how people FEEL about how they are moving through stress.
How did you get started in your field or work?: I left a job I loved, an FBI Special Agent, as a result of the terrible leadership I saw there. I decided I had the capacity to help people become better leaders, so that’s what I did.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?:
A structured, but flexible problem solving process along with physiological wellness techniques to improve leadership and self performance.

One of a kind, nobody does it like we do!

What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome in your business?: Creating and delivering a product clients love was relatively easy. Learning to be a good businessman has been the biggest challenge.

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