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MAVD: Buzz on Veterans with Glenn Ellison of The Parent Help Center

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Join us on “Buzz on Veterans” – sponsored by MAVD, where our host, Chris Budihas, highlights the stories of veterans in our community. From their service experiences to their impactful post-military careers, join us in honoring and celebrating these remarkable individuals as they continue to serve in the civilian world. On this segment, Chris speaks with Glenn Ellison of The Parent Help Center.

Short company description: Founded in 2001, this organization came into being because a friend needed help. The son stood before a judge, facing juvenile detention, after the parent had begged the legal system for assistance. There was no help until the son entered the legal system. Witnessing this, I thought, “That’s not right. Somebody ought to do something.” For 23 years, I have been that somebody. Helping families find joy and peace in parenting is my passion.

What Is Your Why (Why Are You In Business)?: My life has been good, mostly centered around my own experiences. Now, at almost 78 years of age, I want to create a life of significance.

How did you get started in your field or work?: I witnessed a parent deeply in love with their child, yet heartbroken by their struggles. I couldn’t just stand by; I had to act

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?: We didn’t get in this to make a living, but to make a difference.

What are your biggest goals in the next 6 to 12 Months for your business?: After 23 years, our focused has changed from mostly dealing with adolescents to parents with children 5-10 years old.

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